As you find yourself needing to take on more tasks, it can be tough to get everything done in a timely manner. It can seem like there isn’t enough time during the day to finish everything you need to. However, you may just need some better ideas about time management. Use the advice that follows to get as much as you can out of each day.
Get a timer set. If you have a difficult time focusing, set a timer for the length of time you are able to work. For instance, if you desire to spend an hour on a task, set the timer for 15 minutes, go for a break, then come back to set the timer for another 15 minutes until you have worked on the task for one hour.
Calendars can be a great tool to help you with your time management skills. Many choose printed calendars for the convenience of marking it up and carrying it with them. Other people enjoy using an electronic calendar that they can use with a computer or their phones. No matter which way you do it, a calendar is the most effective way of keeping track of your day.
Deadlines are important, so pay attention to them. When you are faced with a deadline that is coming up, your other priorities will take a back seat and it can cause you delays in everything else. When on track, you will reduce tension during your tasks.
Start your day by going over your schedule and filling in any blanks. If you start the day knowing what you expect or need to get done, you have a better chance of reaching your goals. Don’t overbook yourself for the day.
You may find time management to be hard, but when you really get it, it will be easy. The guidance in the previous piece will help you maximize every day. Eventually, you’ll have more free time.