Welcome to Life Traveler’s Circle!
Once you have registered with lifetravelerscircle.org you may have some questions about how to get started. This article will provide some tips and ideas for getting started and to becoming a member of this creative, spiritual community.
We welcome any feedback on the site and any suggestions you may have on how we can improve the site to make it a better experience.
Becoming a Member
There are many benefits to become a member of lifetravelerscircle.org and it’s easy to do.
Benefits of becoming a member:
- You’re part of a large creative and spiritual community
- You can connect with interesting like-minded people
How to become a member
You can join the lifetravelerscircle community by clicking on the Create an Account in the Sidebar on the Groups or Members Page. All applications are moderated to ensure a safe, SPAM free community.
Once your membership is approved you can come back and extend your Account Profile . If you extend your Account Profile you will increase your visibility and make it easier for people to find you and learn about you and what your interests are.
lifetravelerscircle.org Admin Bar
Once your a member you can quickly access the lifetravelerscircle community’s main features anywhere on the site by using the Admin Bar located in the left side of the header visible from every page.
From here you can get quick access to:
- Edit your Profile
- Change Avatar
- View Blog, Friend, Member, and Group Directories
- Create a Blog
- View Notifications
Adding Your Avatar / Profile Image
An avatar is an image that you attach to your personal profile that represents you.
Whenever you comment on an article or chat with another member of the site your avatar will appear. If you don’t choose an avatar then a default avatar image will appear as displayed below.
Select your personal profile image from your computer by clicking on the Browse button. You will need to selected a JPG, GIF or PNG formatted photo. Once you have located the image you want to use for your avatar on your computer then select the ‘Upload Image’ button.
Cropping Your Avatar / Profile Image
If the image you have selected for your avatar is too large or you want to crop into a section of your image, you can use the cropping tool available to drag and select the part of image you want to make your avatar.
Changing Your Avatar / Profile Image
You can change your avatar at any time, however you will need to be logged to be able to edit your profile. In the top navigation bar you will see a ‘My Account’ link in green. When you hover over that link a drop down menu appears. Here you will find a link to all the activity for your account. Select the ‘Profile’ link – this will take you to your Profile page.
What’s a Gravatar?
A gravatar is a globally recognised avatar that allows weblogs and similar sites to display a provided pictures from a central database.
When you post a comment on any blogging software that has a gravatar plugin installed it checks your e-mail address to see if it has been associated gravatar at gravatar.com. If so, your gravatar is shown along with your comment.
You can register a free account based on your e-mail and upload an avatar to be associated with your account. Go to http://gravatar.com for more details.
Membership Application Confirmation Email
Once you have completed the ‘Sign Up’ process you will recieve an e-mail confirming the membership application is being reviewed. The review process can take a few days and we may contact you about your application.
Confirmation of Membership Approval
Once you have activated your account you will receive an e-mail informing you that your new account has be successfully set up. In this e-mail you will receive your Username, Password and a link to login. Save these details in a safe place for future reference in case you forget.
Lost Your Password?
If you discover when you login to lifetravelerscircle that you have forgotten your password or have lost your password, no problem we can assign you a new password which you can then reset.
- Click on the ‘Lost Your Password’ link, a new page will appear which will prompt you to enter your e-mail address.
- Once you have entered your e-mail address, we will e-mail you with your ‘User Name’ and link to reset your password. When you click on this link you are redirected back to the site to enter either your ‘User Name’ or your e-mail to be issued a new password.
Please enter your username or e-mail address, then the new password will be sent you to. Copy the new password and click on the link to be redirect to the login page, enter your user name and paste in your new password. We recommend you then go to your Profile page and change your ‘Settings’. Here you can change your password to one that may be easier for you to remember.
Removing Your Profile
If you want to permanently ‘delete’ your profile or ‘deactivate your account’. Go to your ‘Settings’ tab in your Profile. Please note: this is a permanent deletion and there is no way to restore your profile or blog if you have set one up.
Connecting with other Members
Another great feature of the lifetravelerscircle site is the ability to be able to connect with other members of from the creative community within Asia and Europe. Whether its other artists, practitioners and policy makers – you can create connections with people who share the same interests as you.
- You can view a list of lifetravelerscircle Members under the ‘Community’ tab in the top navigation. Within the ‘Members Directory’ you can browse other members profiles, send them a message or mention a member in a post. You can also narrow your search for members interested in a specific area or topic by using the search filter.
- The more information and the more descriptive your own member profile is the more it increases your chances of people finding you, learning about you and connecting with you.
- On the Members Directory Page you can send a ‘Friendship Request’ to another member by selecting the ‘Add Friend’ button. That person will then receive a Friendship Request notification which they then can choose to either ‘Accept’ or ‘Deny’.
- Once your ‘Friendship Request’ has been accepted, you will receive a notification message in the top of the left hand menu bar on the site and an e-mail in your e-mail inbox.
Join a Group
The lifetravelerscircle site enables you to easily become a member of a Group or even create a Group in your area of interest and invite other people to join. You can view Groups that have already be established in the ‘Groups Directory‘ under the Community tab in the top navigation and send a request to ‘Join Group’.
Create Your Own Group
To create your own Group, click on the pink ‘Create a Group’ button on the Group Directory Page. Enter the name of your Group and a brief description that best describes your Group. Within seconds your new Group will be formed. Invite members from your ‘Friends’ list to join your Group. And, don’ forget to regularly login to keep your Group active and see whose joined your Group, read what’s being discussed and comment.
Your Privacy Settings
On lifetravelerscircle there are three basic levels of privacy; Public Group, Private Group and Hidden Group.
You always have total control over who can see your profile and what you share. We recommend setting your profile to Public Group as it enables people to find, learn about and connect with you. Please be aware that if you choose Public Group as your profile setting that any information you provide in your profile may be visible to everyone on the internet.
Load a Group Avatar
You load an image for your Group avatar in the same way as when you set up your profile. Instructions on loading your avatar can be found under the ‘Adding Your Avatar‘ section.
Invite Your Friends
Once you have created a Group you can then send out Invites to members on your ‘Friends’ list to visit your Group. Choose the people you want to send an invite out to by selecting the check box then click on the ‘Finish’ button.